Natural therapy, Siófok 1 clinic (1 Naturopathic doctor, 1 Acupuncturist, 1 Homeopathic doctor, 1 Kinesiologist)
Description, questionsAcupuncture, Siófok
As the reader may know, acupuncture is a cure for that special needles puncture healing of our bodies. These fine stabbing tools pierce the body so-called biologically active points of which extend along the field lines (meridians). The great impact of arthritis or nerve inflammation, in case of the thoracic, cervical muscle pain, liberation excellent use of alcohol, nicotine and drugs of addiction is.
Homeopathy, Siófok
The so-called homeopathy. 'Tame' cure. The alternative, holistic therapies, recently classified information within the scope of medicine. Due to the homeopathic treatment the essence of the individual, 'tailor-made' process. A possible way of healing, which helps the individual patient's body in a way to shape the direction of his own physical and mental balance.